Source code for nestor.tagplots

author: Thurston Sexton
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import calendar
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

import holoviews as hv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter

color_opts = {
        'P': 'crimson',
        'S': '#7ABC32',
        'I': '#4F81BD',
        'U': '#ffc000',
        'NA': 'gray',
        'X': 'black'

[docs]def tag_relation_net(tag_df, name=None, kind='coocc', layout=nx.spring_layout, layout_kws=None, padding=None, **node_adj_kws): """ Explore tag relationships by create a Holoviews Graph Element. Nodes are tags (colored by classification), and edges occur only when those tags happen together. Parameters ---------- tag_df : pandas.DataFrame standard Nestor tag occurrence matrix. Multi-column with top-level containing tag classifications (named-entity NE) and 2nd level containing tags. Each row corresponds to a single event (MWO), with binary indicators (1-occurs, 0-does not). name : str what to name this tag relation element. Creates a Holoviews group "name". kind : str coocc : co-occurrence graph, where tags are connected if they occur in the same MWO, above the value calculated for pct_thres. Connects all types together. sankey : Directed "flow" graph, currently implemented with a (P) -> (I) -> (S) structure. Will require ``dag=True``. Alters default to ``similarity=count`` layout : object (function), optional must take a graph object as input and output 2D coordinates for node locations (e.g. all networkx.layout functions). Defaults to ``networkx.spring_layout`` layout_kws : dict, optional options to pass to networkx layout functions padding : dict, optional contains "x" and "y" specifications for boundaries. Defaults: ``{'x':(-0.05, 1.05), 'y':(-0.05, 1.05)}`` Only valid if ``kind`` is 'coocc'. node_adj_kws : keyword arguments for ``nestor.tagtrees.tag_df_network``. Valid options are similarity : 'cosine' (default) or 'count' dag : bool, default='False', (True if ``kind='sankey'``) pct_thres : : int or None If int, between [0,100]. The lower percentile at which to threshold edges/adjacency. Returns ------- graph: holoviews.Holomap or holoviews.Graph element, pending sankey or cooccurrence input. """ try: import nestor.tagtrees except ImportError: print('The tag-relation network requires the use of our trees module! Import failed!') raise if name is None: name = 'Tag Net' adj_params = { 'similarity': 'cosine', } graph_types = { 'coocc': hv.Graph, 'sankey': hv.Sankey, } if kind is 'sankey': if node_adj_kws.get('dag', True) is False: import warnings warnings.warn('Sankey cannot be plotted with a co-occurrence net! Changing to DAG...') adj_params['similarity'] = 'count' adj_params.update(node_adj_kws) adj_params['dag'] = True else: assert kind is 'coocc', 'You have passed an invalid graph type!' adj_params.update(node_adj_kws) G, node_info, edge_info = nestor.tagtrees.tag_df_network(tag_df[['I', 'P', 'S']], **adj_params) pos = pd.DataFrame(layout(G)).T.rename(columns={0: 'x', 1: 'y'}) node_info = node_info.join(pos).reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'tag'}) nodes = hv.Nodes(node_info, kdims=['x', 'y', 'tag'], vdims=['NE', 'count']) # nodes = nodes.sort('NE').options(color_index='NE', cmap=opts, size='size') graph = graph_types[kind]((edge_info, nodes), group=name, vdims='weight') ops = { 'color_index': 'NE', 'cmap': color_opts, 'edge_color_index': 'weight', 'edge_cmap': 'blues', # 'node_size' : 'count', # wait for HoloViews `op()` functionality! } graph = graph.options(**ops) if kind is 'sankey': return graph else: text = hv.Labels(node_info, ['x', 'y'], 'tag', group=name).options(text_font_size='8pt', xoffset=0.015, yoffset=-0.015, text_align='left') if padding is None: padding = dict(x=(-1.05, 1.05), y=(-1.05, 1.05)) return (graph*text).redim.range(**padding)
[docs]class TagPlot: """ Central holder for holoviews dynamic-maps, to be served as a Bokeh App. TODO make this data-set agnostic! """ def __init__(self, data_file, mach='machine-name', tech='technician-name'): # load up the data self.df = pd.read_hdf(data_file, key='df') self.tag_df = pd.read_hdf(data_file, key='tags') # set allowed technician options here people = ( self.df[tech] .str.split(', ', expand=True) .stack() .dropna() .value_counts() .index[:20] # top 20 occurring .tolist() ) machs = ( self.df[mach] .value_counts() .index[:20] .tolist() ) # put it together with pretty names self.name_opt = { mach: {'name': 'Machine', 'opts': machs[:10]}, tech: {'name': 'Technician', 'opts': people[:10]} } # filtering tags by count self.node_thres = np.logspace(-1, 1) # for network-based plot options self.weights = ['cosine', 'count'] self.edge_thres = range(1, 91, 10) self.table = hv.Table(self.df)
[docs] def filter_type_name(self, obj_type, obj_name): """ build a mask to filter data on Parameters ---------- obj_type : class of object to filter on obj_name : sub-class/instance to filter on Returns ------- pd.Series, mask for filtering df, tag_df. """ is_obj = self.df[obj_type].str.contains(obj_name, case=False).fillna(False) return is_obj
[docs] def filter_tags(self, obj_type, obj_name, n_thres=10): """ apply filter to binary tag matrix (tag_df) Parameters ---------- obj_type : passed to filter_type_name obj_name : passed to filter_type_name n_thres : only return nodes in the top ``n_thres`` percentile Returns ------- pd.DataFrame, filtered binary tax matrix """ is_obj = self.filter_type_name(obj_type, obj_name) assert 0 <= n_thres <= 100, 'percentiles must be between [0,100]' cts = self.tag_df.loc[is_obj, :].sum() upper = max(1, np.percentile(cts, 100 - n_thres)) return self.tag_df.loc[is_obj, (cts >= upper).values]
[docs] def hv_flow(self, obj_type): """ Generates a hv.DynamicMap with a Sankey/flow representation of filtered tags. Parameters ---------- obj_type : class of object to show Returns ------- hv.DynamicMap """ kws = { 'kind':'sankey' } # def load_flow(obj_name, n_thres=10, weight='cosine'): tags = self.filter_tags(obj_type, obj_name, n_thres) elem = tag_relation_net(tags, name='Nodelink', similarity=weight, **kws) elem = elem.options({'Graph': dict(edge_line_width=1.5, edge_alpha=.3, edge_cmap='blues', node_line_color='white', xaxis=None, yaxis=None)}) return elem.options(width=800, height=500) # SOME KIND OF BUG! # return (elem.options(width=500, height=500) + #**{obj_type: obj_name}).options(width=1000)).cols(1) dmap = hv.DynamicMap(load_flow, # cache_size=1, kdims=['obj_name', 'n_thres', 'weight']).options(framewise=True, title_format='') dmap = dmap.redim.values(obj_name=self.name_opt[obj_type]['opts'], n_thres=self.node_thres, weight=self.weights) return dmap
[docs] def hv_bars(self, obj_type): """ Generates a hv.DynamicMap with a bars/frequency representation of filtered tags. Parameters ---------- obj_type : class of object to show Returns ------- hv.DynamicMap """ def load_bar(obj_name, n_thres=10, order='grouped'): tags = self.filter_tags(obj_type, obj_name, n_thres).drop(columns=['U']).sum() tags = tags.groupby(level=0).nlargest(10).reset_index(level=0, drop=True) tags = tags.reset_index() tags.columns = ['class', 'tag name', 'count'] bar_kws = dict(color_index='class', xrotation=90, cmap=color_opts, tools=['hover'], line_color='w') if order != 'grouped': tags = tags.sort_values('count', ascending=False) bars = hv.Bars(tags, kdims=['tag name'], vdims=['count', 'class']).options(**bar_kws) return (bars.options(width=800) +**{obj_type: obj_name}).options(width=1000)).cols(1) dmap = hv.DynamicMap(load_bar, # cache_size=1, kdims=['obj_name', 'n_thres', 'order']).options(framewise=True, title_format='') dmap = dmap.redim.values(obj_name=self.name_opt[obj_type]['opts'], n_thres=self.node_thres, order=['sorted', 'grouped']) # curdoc().add_root(dmap) return dmap
_pandas_18 = StrictVersion(pd.__version__) >= StrictVersion('0.18')
[docs]def tagyearplot(tag_df, year=None, how='sum', vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='Reds', linewidth=1, linecolor=None, monthlabels=calendar.month_abbr[1:], monthticks=True, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a timeseries of (binary) tag occurrences as a calendar heatmap over weeks in the year. any columns passed will be explicitly plotted as rows, with each week in the year as a column. By default, occurences are summed, not averaged, but this aggregation over weeks may be any valid option for the `pandas.Dataframe.agg()` method. adapted from: 'Martijn Vermaat' 14 Feb 2016 '' '' Parameters ---------- tag_df : pandas.DataFrame standard Nestor tag occurrence matrix. Multi-column with top-level containing tag classifications (named-entity NE) and 2nd level containing tags. Each row corresponds to a single event (MWO), with binary indicators (1-occurs, 0-does not). year : integer Only data indexed by this year will be plotted. If `None`, the first year for which there is data will be plotted. how : string Method for resampling data by day. If `None`, assume data is already sampled by day and don't resample. Otherwise, this is passed to Pandas `Series.resample`. vmin, vmax : floats Values to anchor the colormap. If `None`, min and max are used after resampling data by day. cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object The mapping from data values to color space. linewidth : float Width of the lines that will divide each day. linecolor : color Color of the lines that will divide each day. If `None`, the axes background color is used, or 'white' if it is transparent. monthlabels : list Strings to use as labels for months, must be of length 12. monthticks : list or int or bool If `True`, label all months. If `False`, don't label months. If a list, only label months with these indices. If an integer, label every n month. ax : matplotlib Axes Axes in which to draw the plot, otherwise use the currently-active Axes. kwargs : other keyword arguments All other keyword arguments are passed to matplotlib `ax.pcolormesh`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes Axes object with the calendar heatmap. """ if year is None: year = tag_df.index.sort_values()[0].year if how is None: # Assume already sampled by day. by_day = tag_df else: # Sample by day. if _pandas_18: by_day = tag_df.resample('W').agg(how) else: by_day = tag_df.resample('W', how=how) # Min and max per day. if vmin is None: vmin = by_day.min().min() if vmax is None: vmax = by_day.max().max() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if linecolor is None: linecolor = ax.get_facecolor() if ColorConverter().to_rgba(linecolor)[-1] == 0: linecolor = 'white' # Filter on year. by_day = by_day[by_day.index.year == year] dat_names = by_day.columns pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn' by_day['week'] = by_day.index.week # Add missing days. by_day = by_day.reindex( pd.date_range(start=str(year), end=str(year + 1), freq='W')[:-1]) # There may be some days assigned to previous year's last week or # next year's first week. We create new week numbers for them so # the ordering stays intact and week/day pairs unique. by_day.loc[(by_day.index.month == 1) & (by_day.week > 50), 'week'] = 0 by_day.loc[(by_day.index.month == 12) & (by_day.week < 10), 'week'] \ = by_day.week.max() + 1 plot_data = by_day[dat_names].transpose().fillna(0) # Draw heatmap. kwargs['linewidth'] = linewidth kwargs['edgecolors'] = linecolor ax.pcolormesh(plot_data, # vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) # Limit heatmap to our data. ax.set(xlim=(0, plot_data.shape[1]), ylim=(0, plot_data.shape[0])) # Square cells. ax.set_aspect('equal') # Remove spines and ticks. for side in ('top', 'right', 'left', 'bottom'): ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', length=0) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', length=0) # Get indices for monthlabels. if monthticks is True: monthticks = range(len(monthlabels)) elif monthticks is False: monthticks = [] elif isinstance(monthticks, int): monthticks = range(len(monthlabels))[monthticks // 2::monthticks] ax.set_xlabel('') # ax.set_xticks([by_day.ix[, i + 1, 15)].week for i in monthticks]) ax.set_xticks([pd.Timestamp('{}/15/{}'.format(i, year)).week - 1.5 for i in range(1, 13)]) ax.set_xticklabels([monthlabels[i] for i in monthticks], ha='center') ax.set_ylabel('') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.set_yticks([dat_names.shape[0] - i - .5 for i in range(dat_names.shape[0])]) ax.set_yticklabels(dat_names[::-1], rotation='horizontal', va='center') return ax
[docs]def tagcalendarplot(tag_df, how='sum', yearlabels=True, yearascending=True, yearlabel_kws=None, subplot_kws=None, gridspec_kws=None, fig_kws=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a timeseries of (binary) tag occurrences as a calendar heatmap over weeks in the year. any columns passed will be explicitly plotted as rows, with each week in the year as a column. By default, occurences are summed, not averaged, but this aggregation over weeks may be any valid option for the `pandas.Dataframe.agg()` method. This function will separate out multiple years within the data as multiple calendars. The plotting has been heavily modified/altered/normalized, but the original version appeared here: adapted from: 'Martijn Vermaat' 14 Feb 2016 '' '' Parameters ---------- tag_df : pandas.DataFrame standard Nestor tag occurrence matrix. Multi-column with top-level containing tag classifications (named-entity NE) and 2nd level containing tags. Each row corresponds to a single event (MWO), with binary indicators (1-occurs, 0-does not). how : string Method for resampling data by day. If `None`, assume data is already sampled by day and don't resample. Otherwise, this is passed to Pandas `Series.resample`. yearlabels : bool Whether or not to draw the year for each subplot. yearascending : bool Sort the calendar in ascending or descending order. yearlabel_kws : dict Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib `set_ylabel` call which is used to draw the year for each subplot. subplot_kws : dict Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib `add_subplot` call used to create each subplot. gridspec_kws : dict Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib `GridSpec` constructor used to create the grid the subplots are placed on. fig_kws : dict Keyword arguments passed to the matplotlib `figure` call. kwargs : other keyword arguments All other keyword arguments are passed to `yearplot`. Returns ------- fig, axes : matplotlib Figure and Axes Tuple where `fig` is the matplotlib Figure object `axes` is an array of matplotlib Axes objects with the calendar heatmaps, one per year. """ yearlabel_kws = yearlabel_kws or {} subplot_kws = subplot_kws or {} gridspec_kws = gridspec_kws or {} fig_kws = fig_kws or {} years = np.unique(tag_df.index.year) if not yearascending: years = years[::-1] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(years), ncols=1, squeeze=False, subplot_kw=subplot_kws, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kws, **fig_kws) axes = axes.T[0] # We explicitely resample by day only once. This is an optimization. if how is None: by_day = tag_df else: if _pandas_18: by_day = tag_df.resample('W').agg(how) else: by_day = tag_df.resample('W', how=how) # normalize to unit norm by_day = by_day / np.sqrt(np.square(by_day).sum(axis=0)) ylabel_kws = dict( fontsize=32, color=kwargs.get('fillcolor', 'xkcd:wheat'), fontweight='bold', fontname='Arial', ha='center') ylabel_kws.update(yearlabel_kws) max_weeks = 0 for year, ax in zip(years, axes): tagyearplot(by_day, year=year, how=None, ax=ax, **kwargs) max_weeks = max(max_weeks, ax.get_xlim()[1]) if yearlabels: ax.set_ylabel(str(year), **ylabel_kws) # In a leap year it might happen that we have 54 weeks (e.g., 2012). # Here we make sure the width is consistent over all years. for ax in axes: ax.set_xlim(0, max_weeks) # Make the axes look good. plt.tight_layout() return fig, axes