Survival Analysis

Mining Excavator dataset case study

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import nestor
from nestor import keyword as kex
import nestor.datasets as dat
def set_style():
    # This sets reasonable defaults for font size for a figure that will go in a paper

    # Set the font to be serif, rather than sans

    # Make the background white, and specify the specific font family
    sns.set_style("white", {
        "": "serif",
        "font.serif": ["Times", "Palatino", "serif"]
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/envs/nestor-dev/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
  return f(*args, **kwds)
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/envs/nestor-dev/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
  return f(*args, **kwds)

df = dat.load_excavators()
BscStartDate Asset OriginalShorttext PMType Cost
0 2004-07-01 00:00:00 A BUCKET WON'T OPEN PM01 183.05
1 2005-03-20 00:00:00 A L/H BUCKET CYL LEAKING. PM01 407.4
2 2006-05-05 00:00:00 A SWAP BUCKET PM01 0
3 2006-07-11 00:00:00 A FIT BUCKET TOOTH PM01 0
4 2006-11-10 00:00:00 A REFIT BUCKET TOOTH PM01 1157.27

Knowledge Extraction

Import vocabulary from tagging tool

# merge and cleanse NLP-containing columns of the data
nlp_select = kex.NLPSelect(columns = ['OriginalShorttext'])
raw_text = nlp_select.transform(df)
tex = kex.TokenExtractor()
toks = tex.fit_transform(raw_text)

#Import vocabulary
vocab_path = Path('.')/'support'/'mine_vocab_1g.csv'
vocab = kex.generate_vocabulary_df(tex, init=vocab_path)
tag_df = kex.tag_extractor(tex, raw_text, vocab_df=vocab)

relation_df = tag_df.loc[:, ['P I', 'S I']]
tags_read = kex._get_readable_tag_df(tag_df)
tag_df = tag_df.loc[:, ['I', 'P', 'S', 'U', 'X', 'NA']]
intialized successfully!
intialized successfully!

Quality of Extracted Keywords

nbins = int(np.percentile(tag_df.sum(axis=1), 90))
print(f'Docs have at most {nbins} tokens (90th percentile)')

Docs have at most 5 tokens (90th percentile)
I NA P S U X OriginalShorttext
5033 engine, light, bay changeout Eng bay lights u/s changeout
3813 text, bolts broken broken bolts TEXT
2436 line, steel, mcv reseal Reseal MCV Steel lines
1963 hyd error repair temp REPAIR HYDRAULIC TEMP ERROR
2020 pump, hyd, valve 1main reseal relief reseal#1main hyd. pump relief valve.
2105 hose, control, mcv replace REPLACE MCV CONTROL HOSE.
4884 right_hand, camera working RH CAMERA NOT WORKING
3896 horn, bracket fit, 2nd mounting make Fit up 2nd horn & make mounting bracket
5009 light, rear, counterweight replace Replace rear counterweight lights x 2
2996 lube fault lube fault
# how many instances of each keyword class are there?
print('named entities: ')
print('U\tUnknown\nX\tStop Word')
print('total tokens: ', vocab.NE.notna().sum())
print('total tags: ', vocab.groupby("NE").nunique().alias.sum())
named entities:
I       Item
P       Problem
S       Solution
U       Unknown
X       Stop Word
total tokens:  1767
total tags:  492
NE alias notes score
1 3 2 766
I 1 317 19 585
P 1 53 6 119
S 1 42 2 95
U 1 68 57 92
X 1 9 1 9

Effectiveness of Tags

The entire goal, in some sense, is for us to remove low-occurence, unimportant information from our data, and form concept conglomerates that allow more useful statistical inferences to be made. Tags from nestor-gui, as the next plot shows, have no instances of 1x-occurrence concepts, compared to several thousand in the raw-tokens (this is by design, of course). Additionally, high occurence concepts that might have had misspellings or synonyms drastically inprove their average occurence rate.


cts = (tex._model.transform(raw_text)>0.).astype(int).toarray().sum(axis=0)
# cts2 = (tex3._model.transform(replaced_text2)>0.).astype(int).toarray().sum(axis=0)

#              np.concatenate((cts, cts2)),
#              bins=np.linspace(0,1500,10),
             label='Token Freqencies',
# cts
sns.distplot(tag_df[['I', 'P', 'S']].sum(),
#              bins=np.linspace(0,1500,10),
             label='Tag Freqencies',
             hist_kws={'hatch':'///', 'color':'dodgerblue'})

tag_df.sum().shape, cts.shape
plt.xlabel('Tag/Token Frequencies')
plt.ylabel('# Instances')
plt.savefig('toks_v_tags.png', dpi=300)
# tag-completeness of work-orders?
tag_pct, tag_comp, tag_empt = kex.get_tag_completeness(tag_df)

# with sns.axes_style('ticks') as style:
             kde=False, bins=nbins,
plt.xlim(0.1, 1.0)
plt.xlabel('precision (PPV)')

Tag completeness: 0.94 +/- 0.13
Complete Docs: 4444, or 81.02%
Empty Docs: 48, or 0.88%
Text(0.5,0,'precision (PPV)')

Convergence over time, using nestor-gui

As part of the comparison study, an expert used nestor-gui for approximately 60min annotating 1-grams, followed by 20min focusing on 2-grams. Work was saved every 10 min, so we would like to see how the above plot was arrived at as the tokens were classified.

study_fname = Path('.')/'support'/'vocab_study_results.csv'
study_df = pd.read_csv(study_fname, index_col=0)
study_long = pd.melt(study_df, var_name="time", value_name='PPV').dropna()
study_long['time_val'] = study_long.time.str.replace('min','').astype(float)

sns.set(style="white", rc={"axes.facecolor": (0, 0, 0, 0)}, context='paper')
pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(6, rot=-.25, light=.7)
g = sns.FacetGrid(study_long, col="time", hue="time", aspect=.8, height=2, palette=pal, col_wrap=3), "PPV", kde=False, bins=nbins, vertical=True,
      hist_kws=dict(alpha=1., histtype='stepfilled', edgecolor='w', lw=2)), x=0, lw=1.4, clip_on=False, color='k')

# Define and use a simple function to label the plot in axes coordinates
def label(x, color, label):
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.text(.2, 0, label, fontweight="bold", color=color,
            ha="left", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes), "PPV")

# Remove axes details that don't play well with overlap
g.set( xticks=[], xlabel='')
g.despine(bottom=True, left=True)

Survival Analysis


From Hodkeiwiz et al, a rule-based method was used to estimate failure times for SA. Let’s see their data:


df_clean = dat.load_excavators(cleaned=True)

df_clean['SuspSugg'] = pd.to_numeric(df_clean['SuspSugg'], errors='coerce')
df_clean.dropna(subset=['RunningTime', 'SuspSugg'], inplace=True)

(5288, 17)
BscStartDate Asset OriginalShorttext PMType Cost RunningTime MajorSystem Part Action Variant FM Location Comments FuncLocation SuspSugg Rule Unnamed: 16
8 2001-07-19 B REPLACE LIP PM01 1251.52 7.0 Bucket NaN Replace 2V NaN NaN NaN Bucket 0.0 Rule_1_3_78_383_384 NaN
1820 2001-09-01 B OIL LEAK L/H TRACK TENSIONER. PM01 0.00 3.0 Hydraulic System Track Minor Maint 18 Leak Left NaN Power Train - Transmission 0.0 Rule_1_3_52_289_347_425_500 NaN
1821 2001-09-04 B BAD SOS METAL IN OIL PM01 0.00 3.0 Hydraulic System Slew Gearbox NaN NaN Contamination NaN NaN Sprocket/Drive Compartment Right 0.0 Rule_1_3_52_303_409 NaN
5253 2001-09-05 B REPLACE AIRCONDITIONER BELTS PM01 0.00 23.0 NaN Air Conditioning Replace 2V NaN NaN NaN Air Conditioning System 0.0 Rule_1_3_224_227_383_384 NaN
3701 2001-09-05 B REPLACE CLAMPS ON CLAM PIPES PM01 0.00 28.0 NaN Mount Replace 2V NaN NaN NaN Oil - Hydraulic 0.0 Rule_1_3_92_181_383_384 NaN
1167 2001-09-05 B REPLACE RHS FAN BELT TENSIONER PULLEY PM01 82.09 0.0 NaN Fan Minor Maint_Replace 2V NaN Right NaN +Cooling System 0.0 Rule_1_3_125_347_383_384_509 NaN
1168 2001-09-11 B replace fan belt PM01 0.00 6.0 NaN Fan Replace 2V NaN NaN NaN +Cooling System 0.0 Rule_1_3_125_383_384 NaN
644 2001-09-15 B replace heads on lhs eng PM01 0.00 33.0 Engine NaN Replace 2V NaN Left NaN Engine Left Cylinder Heads 0.0 Rule_1_3_25_383_384_499 NaN
4583 2001-09-26 B REPAIR CABIN DOOR FALLING OFF. PM01 0.00 27.0 NaN Drivers Cabin Repair 1 NaN NaN NaN Operators Cabin 0.0 Rule_1_3_251_284_357 NaN
9 2001-10-01 B rebuild lip #3 PM01 0.00 74.0 Bucket NaN Repair 5 NaN NaN NaN Bucket Clam (Lip) 0.0 Rule_1_3_78_362 NaN

We once again turn to the library Lifelines as the work-horse for finding the Survival function.

from lifelines import WeibullFitter, ExponentialFitter, KaplanMeierFitter
mask = (df_clean.MajorSystem =='Bucket')
# mask=df_clean.index
def mask_to_ETclean(df_clean, mask, fill_null=1.):
    filter_df = df_clean.loc[mask]
    g = filter_df.sort_values('BscStartDate').groupby('Asset')
    T = g['BscStartDate'].transform(pd.Series.diff).dt.days
#     T.loc[(T<=0.)|(T.isna())] = fill_null
    E = (~filter_df['SuspSugg'].astype(bool)).astype(int)
    return T.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))], E.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))]

T, E = mask_to_ETclean(df_clean, mask)
wf = WeibullFitter(), E, label='Rule-Based Weibull')
print('{:.3f}'.format(wf.lambda_), '{:.3f}'.format(wf.rho_))
# wf.print_summary()
plt.title('weibull hazard function')

plt.title('weibull survival function')
print(f'transform: β={wf.rho_:.2f}\tη={1/wf.lambda_:.2f}')
# wf._compute_standard_errors()
to_bounds = lambda row:'±'.join([f'{i:.2g}' for i in row])
wf.summary.iloc[:,:2].apply(to_bounds, 1)
0.060 0.833
transform: β=0.83       η=16.73
lambda_    0.06±0.0033
rho_        0.83±0.026
dtype: object

Tag Based Comparison

We estimate the occurence of failures with tag occurrences.

[ ]:
import math

def to_precision(x,p):
    returns a string representation of x formatted with a precision of p

    Based on the webkit javascript implementation taken from here:

    x = float(x)

    if x == 0.:
        return "0." + "0"*(p-1)

    out = []

    if x < 0:
        x = -x

    e = int(math.log10(x))
    tens = math.pow(10, e - p + 1)
    n = math.floor(x/tens)

    if n < math.pow(10, p - 1):
        e = e -1
        tens = math.pow(10, e - p+1)
        n = math.floor(x / tens)

    if abs((n + 1.) * tens - x) <= abs(n * tens -x):
        n = n + 1

    if n >= math.pow(10,p):
        n = n / 10.
        e = e + 1

    m = "%.*g" % (p, n)

    if e < -2 or e >= p:
        if p > 1:
        if e > 0:
    elif e == (p -1):
    elif e >= 0:
        if e+1 < len(m):

    return "".join(out)
def query_experiment(name, df, df_clean, rule, tag, multi_tag, prnt=False):

    def mask_to_ETclean(df_clean, mask, fill_null=1.):
        filter_df = df_clean.loc[mask]
        g = filter_df.sort_values('BscStartDate').groupby('Asset')
        T = g['BscStartDate'].transform(pd.Series.diff).dt.days
        E = (~filter_df['SuspSugg'].astype(bool)).astype(int)
        return T.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))], E.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))]

    def mask_to_ETraw(df_clean, mask, fill_null=1.):
        filter_df = df_clean.loc[mask]
        g = filter_df.sort_values('BscStartDate').groupby('Asset')
        T = g['BscStartDate'].transform(pd.Series.diff).dt.days
        T_defined = (T>0.)|T.notna()
        T = T[T_defined]
        # assume censored when parts replaced (changeout)
        E = (~(tag_df.S.changeout>0)).astype(int)[mask]
        E = E[T_defined]
        return T.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))], E.loc[~((T<=0.)|(T.isna()))]

    experiment = {
        'rules-based': {
            'query': rule,
            'func': mask_to_ETclean,
            'mask': (df_clean.MajorSystem == rule),
            'data': df_clean
        'single-tag': {
            'query': tag,
            'func': mask_to_ETraw,
            'mask': tag_df.I[tag].sum(axis=1)>0,
            'data': df
        'multi-tag': {
            'query': multi_tag,
            'func': mask_to_ETraw,
            'mask': tag_df.I[multi_tag].sum(axis=1)>0,
            'data': df
    results = {
       ('query', 'text/tag'): [],
#        ('Weibull Params', r'$\lambda$'): [],
       ('Weibull Params', r'$\beta$'): [],
       ('Weibull Params', '$\eta$'): [],
       ('MTTF', 'Weib.'): [],
       ('MTTF', 'K-M'): []
    idx = []

    for key, info in experiment.items():
        idx += [key]
        results[('query','text/tag')] += [info['query']]
        if prnt:
            print('{}: {}'.format(key, info['query']))
        info['T'], info['E'] = info['func'](info['data'], info['mask'])
        wf = WeibullFitter()['T'], info['E'], label=f'{key} weibull')

        to_bounds = lambda row:'$\pm$'.join([to_precision(row[0],2),

        params = wf.summary.T.iloc[:2]
        params['eta_'] = [1/params.lambda_['coef'],  # err. propagation
        params = params.T.apply(to_bounds, 1)

        results[('Weibull Params', r'$\eta$')] += [params['eta_']]
        results[('Weibull Params', r'$\beta$')] += [params['rho_']]
        if prnt:
            print('\tWeibull Params:\n',
                  '\t\tη = {}\t'.format(params['eta_']),
                  'β = {}'.format(params['rho_']))

        kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()["T"], event_observed=info['E'], label=f'{key} kaplan-meier')
        results[('MTTF','Weib.')] += [to_precision(wf.median_,3)]
        results[('MTTF','K-M')] += [to_precision(kmf.median_,3)]
        if prnt:
            print(f'\tMTTF: \n\t\tWeib \t'+to_precision(wf.median_,3)+\
                   '\n\t\tKM \t'+to_precision(kmf.median_,3))
        info['kmf'] = kmf
        info['wf'] = wf
    return experiment, pd.DataFrame(results, index=pd.Index(idx, name=name))
bucket_exp, bucket_res = query_experiment('Bucket', df, df_clean,
                                          ['bucket', 'tooth', 'lip', 'pin']);

tags = ['hyd', 'hose', 'pump', 'compressor']
hyd_exp, hyd_res = query_experiment('Hydraulic System', df, df_clean,
                                    'Hydraulic System',
eng_exp, eng_res = query_experiment('Engine', df, df_clean,
                                    ['engine', 'filter', 'fan'])
frames = [bucket_res, hyd_res, eng_res]
res = pd.concat(frames, keys = [ for i in frames],
               names=['Major System', 'method'])
query Weibull Params MTTF
text/tag $\beta$ $\eta$ Weib. K-M
Major System method
Bucket rules-based Bucket 0.83$\pm$0.03 17$\pm$0.9 10.8 9.00
single-tag [bucket] 0.83$\pm$0.03 27$\pm$2 17.1 15.0
multi-tag [bucket, tooth, lip, pin] 0.82$\pm$0.02 16$\pm$0.9 10.5 9.00
Hydraulic System rules-based Hydraulic System 0.86$\pm$0.02 14$\pm$0.6 9.07 8.00
single-tag [hyd] 0.89$\pm$0.04 36$\pm$3 24.1 25.0
multi-tag [hyd, hose, pump, compressor] 0.89$\pm$0.02 15$\pm$0.7 9.74 9.00
Engine rules-based Engine 0.81$\pm$0.02 17$\pm$1 10.8 9.00
single-tag [engine] 0.79$\pm$0.03 19$\pm$1 11.8 10.0
multi-tag [engine, filter, fan] 0.81$\pm$0.02 15$\pm$0.8 9.31 8.00

exp = [bucket_exp, eng_exp, hyd_exp]
f,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(5,10))
for n, ax in enumerate(axes):
    exp[n]['rules-based']['kmf'].plot(ax=ax, color='dodgerblue')
    exp[n]['multi-tag']['kmf'].plot(ax=ax, color='xkcd:rust', ls=':')
    exp[n]['single-tag']['kmf'].plot(ax=ax, color='xkcd:rust')

    ax.set_title(r"$S(t)$"+f" of {res.index.levels[0][n]}")
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))
/home/tbsexton/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ UserWarning: Saw kwargs ['c', 'color'] which are all aliases for 'color'.  Kept value from 'color'
  seen=seen, canon=canonical, used=seen[-1]))

This next one give you an idea of the differences better. using a log-transform. the tags under-estimate death rates a little in the 80-130 day range, probably because there’s a failure mode not captured by the [bucket, lip, tooth] tags (because it’s rare).

f,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(5,10))
for n, ax in enumerate(axes):
    exp[n]['rules-based']['kmf'].plot_loglogs(ax=ax, c='dodgerblue')
    exp[n]['single-tag']['kmf'].plot_loglogs(ax=ax, c='xkcd:rust', ls=':')
    exp[n]['multi-tag']['kmf'].plot_loglogs(ax=ax, c='xkcd:rust')
    if n != 2:
#     ax.set_xlim(0,110)
#     ax.set_ylim(0,1)
    ax.set_title(r"$\log(-\log(S(t)))$"+f" of {res.index.levels[0][n]}")
f.savefig('bkt_logKMsurvival.png', dpi=300)
# kmf.plot_loglogs()
[ ]: